Friday, April 07, 2017

Day 4

I am already bored. All my uncles have left for work and the kids to school. So I am stuck at home with my aunt and mom, watching serials on TV. I think TV serials in India are the greatest form of torture in the world. I don't know how any one can watch them. CIA should use these serials as torture techniques for its suspects. Our home TV is amazing. We bought this in 1987, about 20 years ago! The remote doesn't work and I am one of those guys that has to constantly keep changing the channels unless it's cricket or tennis. So I don't feel like watching it now. Why can't I just buy a new TV you ask? As with every thing else, there's that sentiment factor associated with the TV, so we can't throw this out. There's more soccer on ESPN than cricket these days, which is good to see. I hope the kids are not just watching it on TV and are playing soccer as well.

Today, I had to pray to a cow. Actually feed it, and then pray. It's funny, cos on my flight from Chicago to Frankfurt, the guy sitting next to me was asking me why we prayed to cows. I told him some crap about nature that he actually thought was very interesting. At that time, I didn't know I was going to do it myself on this trip. I think I prayed to a cow once before as a kid. I will try not to eat any more beef from now on.

I am in a bit of a quandary now. I need to pay a visit to a lot of families here but they are home only in the evenings. But evenings is when my entire family is home as well and I would like to spend as much time with them as possible since I am here only for 2 weeks. So I don't know. I did go to visit my best friend's parents this evening but only for a few minutes.


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